@article{oai:kjunshin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000586, author = {井上, 祐子 and 高橋, 順一 and 姜, 民護 and 黒木, 保博}, issue = {27}, journal = {人間教育学部紀要, The Faculty of Education and Psychology}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to write critical review from a statistical point of view on the development process of competency scales in the development of basic ability as a professional, and to aim at obtaining knowledge for developing competency scales in the field of early childhood education and childcare. We performed searches in three databases, "CiNii',"ERIC" and "PubMed". Eventually, we reviewed the twenty-one competency scales used in the twenty-five studies we gathered. In the analysis, we paid attention to content validity and construct validity of the twenty-one competency scales on scale development, and evaluated whether appropriate statistical methods were adopted or not. As a result, we evaluated that "Otsuka Interprofessional work Competency Scale-Revision 24" and "Nurses” Care Coordination Competency Scale" had adopted the appropriate statistical methods in the development process. In addition, we figured out that "A Competency Model for Clinical Physicians in China", "Interprofessional collaboration competency scale for children with medical complexity", and "Community Care Competency Scale" had the certain validity. But there was not a competency scale focusing on early childhood education and childcare. Therefore, in order to accumulate knowledge regarding the appropriate ability evaluation of professionals, it is desirable to develop "the competency scale for professionals engaged in early childhood education and childcare".}, pages = {25--51,76}, title = {職業人としての基礎能力の育成におけるコンピテンシー測定尺度の開発過程に関する批判的論評}, year = {2021}, yomi = {イノウエ, ユウコ} }