@article{oai:kjunshin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000255, author = {小楠, 範子 and 木村, 孝子}, journal = {鹿児島純心女子大学看護栄養学部紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University}, month = {Jun}, note = {P(論文), 本研究の目的は,認知症対応型共同生活介護(以下,グループホーム)での実習における,看護学生の学びの実態を明らかにすることである。  研究参加者は,平成Ⅹ年に老年看護実習を行った看護学科3年次生のうち,研究承諾を得られた40名である。老年看護実習終了後に自記式による質問紙調査を行った。調査内容は項目毎に分析し,自由記述については質的帰納的に分析を行った。  分析の結果,グループホーム実習における学びとして,<その人らしく生きることを支える個別性の看護の重要性の理解><認知症の方との接し方の理解><認知症の症状の理解><医療機関との連携についての理解>という4つが見出された。  生活を重視したグループホームでの実習では,生活を通して個別性が見えやすく,<その人らしく生きることを支える個別性の看護の重要性の理解>が得られやすい可能性が示唆された。また,4日間と限られた実習日数ではあっても,受持ち利用者を決め看護過程の展開を行うこと,さらに看護過程の展開にあたってセンター方式を活用することで<その人らしく生きることを支える個別性の看護の重要性の理解>につながりやすいことが示唆された。, The purpose of this study is to clarify what the nursing students actually learned during their practical training at a facility where patients with dementia live together (hereafter group home). Study participants are 40 junior students of the nursing department who gave consent for cooperating the study from among those who completed practical training of geriatric nursing in 20XX. After the practical training on geriatric nursing, we asked them to answer a written questionnaire. The answers were analyzed item by item, while free comments were analyzed qualitatively and inductively. Our analysis found that the learning acquired by the students during the training at the group home included understanding on: 1) importance of individuality in caring so as to support each patient to live his/her own life, 2) how to deal with patients with dementia, 3) dementia symptoms, and 4) cooperation with medical facilities. Practical training at a group home that provides a family-like environment facilitates observing each patient’s individuality through their everyday living. It was suggested that such training may prove to be an opportunity “to understand the importance of individuality in caring so as to support each patient to live his/her own life.” It was also suggested that even during the limited time of four days, dealing with a designated patient to lay out nursing process as well as utilizing the Center Method to Support Persons with Dementia for laying out nursing process help them acquire “understanding of the importance of individuality in caring so as to support each patient to live his/her own life.”}, pages = {43--48}, title = {認知症対応型グループホーム実習における看護学生の学びの実態}, volume = {17}, year = {2013}, yomi = {オグス, ノリコ and キムラ, タカコ} }