@article{oai:kjunshin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000254, author = {花井, 節子 and 園田, 麻利子 and 小湊, 博美 and 上原, 充世}, journal = {鹿児島純心女子大学看護栄養学部紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University}, month = {Jun}, note = {P(論文), 【目的】看護系大学3年次生の実習前演習における学生の認識の特徴や学びから実習前演習の展開について教育上の示唆を得る。【方法】学生の記録から体験内容と認識の変化が読み取れる記述内容を取り出す。科学的認識論を理論的基盤に記述内容を意味づけし認識の特徴を明らかにし,認識の共通性・相異性を分析する。 【結果】「自己評価」のあり方で以下の3タイプに区別された。 Ⅰ型:メンバーや自己の患者体験,看護者体験に注目し自己評価していた。 Ⅱ型:メンバーや自己の看護者体験の行為に注目して自己評価していた。 Ⅲ型:看護者体験でのできなかった行為や認識,メンバーとの違いに注目し感情が揺れる。 【考察】実習前演習における展開について次のような示唆が得られた。 1)演習を「看護過程」として意識化させる。 2)「看護過程」を意識させた看護者体験をさせる。 3)対象像の描きを丁寧に行う。 4)相手の位置に立った看護を意識づける。 5)メンバーの看護を目の当たりにする体験をさせる。 6) 学生の認識を尊重し,自らが気づくようにしむける。 7)看護実践における学生の感情の揺れは当たり前という認識をもつ。, The purpose of this study is conducted to investigate the effectiveness of pre-clinical simulation training on third year nursing students. The method of the study is to the students' post training self-evaluation records were used to describe their thoughts, feelings and characteristics of their recognition after their pre-clinical simulation training. The study distinguished three types of student characteristics.Type I: The focus of the self evaluation is based on their (self and peers) simulation experiences as patients and nurses during the training. Type II: The focus of the self evaluation is based on their (self and peers) actual simulation actions as nurses during the training. Type III: Nurses felt tasks were unachievable and compared themselves to their peers, creating anxiety during the training. Upon conducting the pre-clinical simulation training for the students, the study suggested the following 1) The instructor should remind their students to consider the training as a part of the nursing process. 2) The instructor should encourage their students to be consciously aware of the training as part of the nursing experience. 3) The instructor should spend more time to describe what they expects their students to do as health care providers. 4) The importance of understanding what patients feel when receiving nursing care. 5) Giving opportunities to peers to experience providing direct patient care. 6) The instructor should give students space and respect so that students can independently develop their own feeling and understanding about the nursing simulation. 7) The instructor should understand that it is natural for students to become anxious when they have their clinical training.}, pages = {34--42}, title = {実習前演習における学生の自己評価の違いから示唆された実習前演習の展開}, volume = {17}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ハナイ, セツコ and ソノダ, マリコ and コミナト, ヒロミ and ウエハラ, ミツヨ} }